With the upcoming warm days, the greenery is what stands out with its diversity giving freshness and natural color. Part of that variety are also the flowers. Thus, with intensive activities, the teams in this period started planting the seasonal flower seedlings. This year in the production plants of the company 300,000 summer seedlings were produced. Through all the regions in the flower beds and figures throughout the city greenery, the change of the winter seedlings with a new summer flower seedling is in progress. From the summer seedling species are being planted: tagetes, begonia,petunia,verbena,dahlia,cilosis,impatiens,coleus,as well as washes of the species:santolina,lavender,rosemary and others. In addition to this flower beatification of the public greenery, during this period the landscaping of the green areas is taking place by planting new seedlings.The new ornamental and decorative seedlings can already be noticed throughout the city, where teams are currently planting them in several locations through green squares, green corridors and squares.
